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Change Expired and Expiring Passwords

Password Expiring Soon

If your password is expiring soon you can change it before it expires.


Change Expiring Password

  1. Log in to your PC as usual
  2. Press together CTRL-ALT-DELETE
  3. Choose 'Change a Password'
  4. Enter your current password in 'Old Password'
  5. Enter your new password in 'New Password'
  6. Enter your new password (again) in 'Confirm Password'
  7. Then press Enter to change the password


Password Has Expired

If your password has expired you will need to change it to access company resources.


Change Expired Password

  1. Log in to your PC as usual
  2. You will see a message that your password has expired
  3. Choose 'Ok'
  4. Enter your current password in 'Old Password'
  5. Enter your new password in 'New Password'
  6. Enter your new password (again) in 'Confirm Password'
  7. Then press Enter to change the password


Complexity Requirements

Please note that passwords are required to have minimum complexity features


Passwords must:

  • Have 10 or more characters
  • Contain a special character
  • Contain a number
  • Not contain any part of your username
  • Not be the same as your last 10 passwords
  • 6
  • 07-Mar-2024